Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tuesday's Big News

Tuesday morning I got up with Ben around 7 and gave him a bottle. Afterwards, we were playing a little and I got a quick peek inside Ben's mouth and guess what I saw...his first tooth had finally popped through!!! Of course I had to stick my finger in there and check it out to be sure and, yup, when he chomped down, there was definitely something sharp in there! We've been waiting for this tooth for the last couple months and it was very exciting to see that it's finally here. It's a little sad though because every day Ben's becoming more of a little boy than a baby. Makes me want another one...but don't worry, that's still a ways off! :-)

1 comment:

Caran said...

I'll try to get some pics of the new tooth but it's pretty hard to get Ben to open up...unless he's trying to put something in his mouth. He's still drooling and chewing all the time so even though we're over the first tooth hurdle, it doesn't look like we're past all the teething antics yet.