Easter Sunday morning I woke up around 8:00 expecting to hear Ben waking up any moment. I went in and checked on him and he was sound asleep. So I decided to make breakfast for me and Joe, which is something I don't usually get to do anymore now that Ben is with us. I took my time and enjoyed having some time in the morning to myself. Then I made up some waffles and finally woke Joe around 9:00, just as Ben was waking up. After we all ate (Ben was first, of course!) I brought in Ben's Easter basket. I had gotten him a stuffed animal and then filled the rest of the basket with candy for Joe since he's our resident chocoholic. Here are some pictures of Ben checking out his basket.

Ben has gotten really good at reaching out and grabbing things. He reached right for the bunny rabbit in the basket and tried to pull it out but it was wedged in there pretty tight.

So instead he went for one of the plastic eggs I had filled with candy. And he put the egg right where everything else goes these days...in his mouth!

Joe and I had a good time playing with Ben while he checked everything out. Then we decided to try to get a picture of Ben's new tooth so we could show it off to everyone. It was a little bit of a struggle since Ben likes to stick his tongue out when he opens his mouth but we finally got a shot of it. It's a little hard to see but I zoomed in the best I could...it's the shiny spot on the left on his gums.

After we played for a little while, it was time to get ready for Church. Joe took care of getting Ben ready while I got dressed. Pretty soon I heard Joe calling for back up and I went to see what the issue was. It turned out that Ben's outfit was on the tight side and Joe couldn't get the top button done. I gave it a shot and did get it buttoned but Ben started fussing a lot so we had to undo it...it was just too tight. We did manage to get the tie on though and you couldn't really tell the button was undone. It wasn't until after we had him all dressed that I realized how much this outfit looked like a German Oktoberfest outfit...all he's missing is the fedora hat!!

Here's a picture of me and Ben for a change. It's rare that I'm in any pictures these days since I'm usually behind the camera...I had to specifically ask to get this one!
Then we were off to Church finally but we were late getting there and had to stand the entire time. We were right over an air-conditioning vent so I was completely frozen by the end. But Ben was an angel and kept himself and the people around us entertained. He partically enjoyed the singing and decided to join in a few times!
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