Sunday, November 19, 2006

Funny Baby

Ben has become quite a ham. Whenever he sees my camera, he gets the silliest grin on his face and it's just so funny! I'm pretty sure he knows exactly what he's doing too because if he doesn't see that orange light just before the flash, he totally turns off the smile. It cracks me up!

This one is my favorite!

Later that afternoon, I guess Ben was completely worn out after so many pictures (I know, I think I may have an obsession). I made one of his favorites for lunch, grilled cheese, and just as he was finishing up, he just fell asleep right there in his high chair. So, of course, I had to get a few more pictures of him!

He actually ended up sleeping in the high chair for about an hour. He's got this thing now with having at least one hand either on his face or behind his head whenever he sleeps. He looks like he's very deep in thought!

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