Saturday, October 14, 2006


The week after Matthew was born, we went down to MD to watch his big brother Devin play in his first baseball game. Devin seemed to have fun and it gave us a chance to spend some time with Joe's family and the new baby.

Here's Devin in left field wondering why no one's hitting it his way.

Sydney showing Ben how to hold the ball with one hand.

Baby Matthew with his daddy's mom Debbie.

Devin playing catcher for the first time...he seemed a little nervous, but can you blame him?

Proud Uncle Joe and Matthew

Ben and cousin Devin looking tough in his uniform.

Mom-Mom and her 4th great-grandchild, Matthew

Devin at bat...waiting for that perfect pitch. In this league, they pitch to the kids until they hit the ball...we were waiting for a while but Devin didn't give up and finally got a hit.

Mom-Mom and Ben having some laughs.

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